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With any luck, kids, we'll replace the whole lexicon with fake words. The latest Valleyspeak entries:

Dot Mom: The woman who has a husband whose money she's using from his Web 2.0 startup to buy the Escalade and keep the nanny around 24/7, even though she doesn't work. [Rick Dobbs]

Fooky: Having very poor implementation and/or concept to the point of not being usable. Often recognized by all except the founder. Bill thought his idea was great, but we all knew it was FOOKY and wouldn't last. [Makinde Adeagbo]

Blemeworthy: Worthy of being propogated via blog. By all accounts, Jude Law and Sienna Miller's makeup sex was certainly blemeworthy. [Michael Krantz]

Typerventilating: Rapidly sending instant messages. Having a panic attack via AIM. [Exa Grubb]

Technorazzi: Photo saturation of a tech event, so much so you can generate a 3D flythrough based on a tag. [Rick Abruzzo]

BetaMax: Signing up for as many mystery beta memberships as possible. Even if you have no idea what it does, why it's better than email, or even where the signup button is. All that counts is your "Member since" date was in the beginning months before {cough} everyone got an account and ruined it. [Rick Abruzzo]

Meanwhile, the readers at our dark big bro' Consumerist have coined "Hallopropism" and "Jihadvertising."

Keep blogging, commenting, or e-mailing your words. Remember, there's $240 for iTunes (and a toy) on the table.

Part of: Valleyspeak contest: Coin a word, win $240 of music [Valleywag]
Prelims 1: Valleyspeak: Prelim round [Valleywag]