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The week, Times editor Bill Keller is answering questions from readers. We're finding the Times readers' questions boring ("Why are there corrections?" "Why do you allow anonymous sources?"), and we knew Gawker readers would have far more interesting things to ask. You've submitted questions over the last two days; here are our top-five reader submitted questions. We'll submit them to Keller tonight, and we'll even put one of those red exclamation points next to it in Outlook. That'll definitely get him to read them!

5. "WTF is up with the disgusting front-page stories on Sundays? I think the majority of Times readers join me in support of medical care for all the poor people in the world, but surely the editors are aware that we're all reading the sunday paper over coffee and eggs?!"

4. "How did you get Alessandra Stanley to stop making mistakes?"

3. "Bill, how does it feel to be the Harrison Ford of newspapers? Not like, you know, you're drunk at awards ceremonies or flying rescue helicopters on your days off, but you're handsome in a rugged mature kind of way. Please speak directly into the mic, you lovable lug."

2. "I have a bullshit trend story I'd like you to report on. Whom should I contact?" [Ed. note: Trip Gabriel.]

1. "You got a dick pic? A body pic, even?"

Question — But Do Not Otherwise Harass — the Man Behind the Curtain
Keller Starts Answering: Keep the Questions Coming