Britney Spears Gets A Visit From Family Services

The Insider reports that the Department of Children and Family Services finally showed up at Britney Spears' house in Malibu on Saturday afternoon to investigate the February incident in which Spears allegedly escaped her paparazzi tormentors by driving away with her newborn baby in her lap. (When we offered to name the child a year ago, we weren't just whistling Dixie.) But before you let yourselves become enchanted with an image of government functionaries in windbreakers kicking in the door, pressing a foot into the back of Kevin Federline's neck while pointing semiautomatic weapons in the direction of his cornrows, then hustling out of the house with young Sean Preston wrapped up in a blanket, US Weekly says that the visit was merely a "political" necessity, not an indication that Federline might soon be relieved of his biological unemployment insurance policy. The couple was informed ahead of time of the investigators' drop-in, allowing plenty of time to prepare a demonstration of the safety of their parental supervision that included duct-taping the baby to a high chair inside the house while leading their guests outside to showily torch the infamous vehicle that once endangered their offspring.