More 'American Idol' Criminal Twin Hijinks

We're not entirely sure what draws such a highly disproportionate amount of twins, convicted felons, and combinations thereof to the American Idol party. Not even sweet-natured good ol' boy Bucky Covington is exempt: You may recall the husky-voiced country singer introducing America to an identical (and we mean down to every snaggletooth and unwieldly strand of blonde hair) twin brother named Rocky. Back in 1998, when an auto accident could have landed Rocky in jail for having a suspended license, the boys' father concocted a plan to bring in Bucky to dupe the authorites. The other party played along, until his own father found out what really happened and called the cops, landing both twins in front of a judge:
Fearful that his son could face a jail sentence for being caught a second time driving with a suspended license, Gene Covington concocted a ruse on the spot that he hoped would spare Rocky further trouble.
His plan was to find Bucky (William is his real name), bring him back to the accident scene, and tell the authorities that Bucky (whose license was in good standing, despite prior convictions for speeding and reckless driving) had been the person driving the truck, replacing one twin with the other. [...]
"We couldn't say which one did what," recalls Lewis Fadely, the assistant district attorney who prosecuted the case. "In a criminal trial, you have to be able to say 'the defendant did this, this and this.' We couldn't. They looked so gosh darn the same." The judge dismissed all charges.
It's a comparatively minor crime as far as contestant brushes with the law go, and has the added adorable "Parent Trap factor," so we doubt it will have a negative effect on Bucky's standing in the contest; his mediocre singing and stage presence should take care of that. But now that we're on the subject, perhaps there's a way the show can incorporate all the twins—from Rocky to Jessie O'Donohue—standing in the Idol wings: by having them trail their siblings on stage, and superimposing the word "PAULAVISION" along the bottom of the screen.