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We're actually a little impressed. Though they didn't explain it when they started the thing, it seems Times editor Bill Keller will be answering emailed questions on an ongoing basis throughout the week, and it seems — even more notably — that he's going to spend some real time writing substantive and substantial responses.

So what don't we like? (You knew there had to be something, right?) It's this: The questions are all just so earnest. "Is it really necessary for our best news sources, including The New York Times, to each have several reporters in Iraq, placing their lives at great risk?" "Will the New York Times have a paper edition in fifty years, or will it likely be entirely web-based and digital by that time?" "I'd like to know why you sat on the NSA story."

This is, once again, where we — and you all — come in. Let's get some much more interesting questions in there. Just off the top of the head: Why do you always make jokes about penises falling off? Do Times editors get a lot of tail? Did you consider buying Howell Raines' house?

Yours will, no doubt, be better. We've been collecting questions since yesterday; keep them coming. Email your best queries to with the subject line Keller. We'll pick the top five this afternoon and submit them to Keller tonight. And we know they'll be better than this silly "Explain how editorial decisions get made" crap.

Talk to the Newsroom [NYT]
Earlier: Question — But Do Not Otherwise Harass — the Man Behind the Curtain