Payola Six: Vacation, All Richard's Ever Wanted

'Tis the season for manna from heaven, and in a similar fashion comes pictures of Page Six editor and happy newlywed Richard Johnson enjoying his honeymoon at the Delano hotel in South Beach, Miami. (For your reference, the Delano was last referenced in Page Six on April 2, which said the hotel had hosted a "chic" party attended by Jamie Foxx.)

Our spy writes, "Yesterday I managed to sit next to Richard Johnson, his wife (I assume), and two other women (seemed like Florida types) at the Delano, South Beach. I couldn't believe it, as I had just been reading NYDN's orgy of coverage on the scandal and having a laugh with my friend. Anyway, Dick seemed pretty tense (no honeymoon glow to be seen) and was knocking back the Heinkekens and ciggies. He was having a fairly tense conversation on his cell and later was engrossed in his laptop."
A couple more pictures after the jump. We actually feel sorry for the poor guy — the weather looks pretty cloudy.