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Gizmautism, frazzing, testosteratio — these are the words we'll use in the New Language ('cause we don't need your stinkin' Old Language) when the Valley lifestyle takes over. And this week, you can coin the next generation of words in the Valleywag Valleyspeak contest.

Inspired by this list of neologisms (or — ugh — neoblogisms), the contest will pit submitted words against each other for a vote by Valleywag readers. The coiner of the best new Valleyspeak gets $240 at iTunes and a Cableyoyo Pop for their iPod.

You have three options to submit a word and definition:

1. E-mail with the subject line "Valleyspeak," or
2. Drop a comment on this post, or
3. Write a word and definition on your blog (and e-mail Valleywag or IM "heyvalleywag" with a link).

The best submissions will be chosen by the editor and run in a vote this week.

Need help brainstorming? Check out Monday's Valleywag Valleyspeak and Sunday's New York Times neologisms for guidance.

UPDATE: Comments are still wonky. If yours breaks:
1. I'm very very sorry.
2. E-mail your Valleyspeak to