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Today is the first day that the Daily News hasn't had a glaring front page regarding the Page Six payola scandal and, to be honest, it makes us a little sad. But we're confident that this does not signal an end to the coverage, even if things are starting to look ever-so-slightly up for alleged extortionist Jared Paul Stern, who claims he was set up by billionaire Ron Burkle.

Though the News has but one article on the matter today, it at least continues to beat down on Page Six's friends-and-favors system — the exposure of which, in the grand scheme of gossipy things, has the potential to completely overhaul the way columns do their work. If we're extra-lucky, it could even mean the elimination of any and all Joe Francis references from here on out. Oh, how we hope.

Post Probe Moves On [NYDN]
Related: Gawker's Coverage of Payola Six