Rock the testosteratio: New words for the Valley
Thanks for screensucking! That's Dr. Edward M. Hallowell's name for "wasting time engaging with any screen." Hallowell's named ineffective multitasking as well: "frazzing" is that thing you do with your Blackberry, non-fat latte, and exercycle in the Google hallway.
These and other terms for the wired lifestyle in the New York Times inspired Valleywag's own list of neologisms.
¬ Gizmautism: The half-aware state of one jacked into an iPod, smartphone, or laptop. A gizmautistic will occasionally miss bus stops, bump into passerby, or have a confusing and embarrassing exchange with a store clerk.
¬ Flickr-dating: sharing clusters of photos on Flickr. For instance, Wordpress creator Matt Mullenweg's cluster with ex-Flock designer Chris Messina. Such clusters lead to purely fictional tags such as "mattandchrisaregay."
¬ Geezy: Creepy and only possible through the Internet. For instance, meeting a person and immediately making off-handed references to topics from their old blog posts, showing you've immediately read the last two years of their archives.
¬ Testosteratio: The adequate proportion of men and women in a Silicon Valley group — take the proportion of men acceptable in the average group, and double it. (Triple it if the women are Asian.)
You can do better. Send in your neologisms to or put them in a comment. Tomorrow, Valleywag's official neologism contest (with a prize!) goes live.