Payola Six: The Spiderweb of Understanding

What makes the Page Six scandal so interesting isn't that it reveals the machinations of a corrupt column — everyone knows gossip is a dirty business built on favors, even if we hadn't such concrete evidence as we do now. What we love about it, however, is how all of the people involved (even peripherally) are connected. To best explain it for all those visual learners out there, we've put our marginal skills to good use and created a quickie map. Click to enlarge and revel in the payola.
Update: Technically, it should be Howard Rubenstein, not Steven Rubenstein, listed as the Post's top flack. But Steven's much cuter, so you can understand our editorial decision. Also, we should note that none of the above connections necessarily equals wrongdoing. Froelich's book was sold to Miramax after going to auction, Richard Johnson keeps his Screenwriter's Guild card under his pillow, and Sessa von Richthofen can type at least 75 wpm.
Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of Payola Six
Related: Post to Daily News: Drop Dead [NYT]