Payola Six: Who Else Has Bought Page Six's Love?

Today we've learned that Page Six's Jared Paul Stern has been busted for extortion, trying to wrangle $100K up front plus $10K monthly out of Ron Burkle for a year's "protection" from unflattering items. Surely this is not the first time someone's ponied up to Stern — or Page Six, for that matter — to maintain friendly coverage. So we have to wonder: Who else has paid?
Off the top of our heads, Ron Perelman is an easy guess. We're pretty sure he does business with Sessa von Richthofen's overlords at Rubenstein PR, which also handles the Post. Coincidentally, we don't think we've seen any P6 items on him so unfavorable as to, say, divulge that Perelman originally blindsided Ellen Barkin by serving her divorce papers over dinner. Because we hear he did, and yet that interesting tidbit never made the column. Update: Actually, Sessa von Richthofen was an administrative assistant at Rubenstein's holding company. Our point still remains the same.
But that's just speculation. We're sure you have much better ideas as to who's emptied their pockets or cut deals with Page Six. Who's gotten evergreen favorable coverage? Whose scandals have gone inexplicably ignored? Any irrationally adoring items stand out in your mind? Send your thoughts/guesses to, and we'll start to map out the underbelly of the gossiping beast.
Earlier: Post Gossip Jared Paul Stern Suspended for Extorting Ron Burkle