Leif Garrett Bravely Not Overcoming Addiction

While former 1990s teen idol Brad Renfro appears to be on the long, uphill road towards substance-abuse recovery, former 1970s teen idol Leif Garrett does not. The unidentified drug that got him arrested in the Pershing Square subway station back in January has been found on him again, this time in his bloodstream:
Garrett, who had hits with "I Was Made for Dancing" and a remake of "Surfin' USA" in the 1970s, was jailed again last week after a judge was notified of the positive drug tests, Los Angeles County District Attorney spokeswoman Jane Robison said.
Robison said she did not know which substances Garrett, 44, tested positive for using. He was ordered back to court on May 11 for a progress report.
We haven't seen his latest mugshot, though we doubt it could have gotten much more depressing than his last police portraiture sitting. In honor, then, of happier days, we therefore feature a picture of Garrett is his pretty-boy prime, back when he and David Cassidy ruled the Earth, bedding teenage virgins by the dozen as they guzzled RC Cola from a horn o' plenty.