We're sitting here, watching the View and listening to Meredith Vieira talk about Katie Couric's move to CBS, when our ears perk up at the sound of Barbara Walters abruptly switching to her soft-and-sensitive voice: "And after the break, some news of our own."

Considering that MSNBC has the following breaking news banner on their site right now...

This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

It's time to get misty! We return from the break and, yep, Meredith is having "a hard time finding the right words to express how she feels right now," but she's "honored" to announce that she's heading to NBC to co-host the Today Show. In response, Joy Behar notes that she's been meaning to tell Meredith what a "skinny bitch" she is. Star Jones looks jealous — when will she be the skinny bitch?