Hey, MySpacers! It's Puppet Tom, the dummy who's everyone's buddy! And in his first vlog post, he's giving Friendster founder Jon Abrams (poor guy can't get a break today) a beatdown.

What genius hast wrought this? Well, the same guy who showed it to me. So I pumped him for info. The IMterview's after the jump.

Video: Puppet Tom [MySpace profile]

Valleywag: Tell the studio audience your name or witty handle.
Puppet Tom: My real name? I guess we should really go with Puppet Tom for this.
PT is a project for my sketch comedy group Train of Thought.
Wag: Where can people find Train of Thought? Are there more videos?
P-Tom: Yeah there are. But not of PT yet. This is his first video blog.
They're all on YouTube. Train of Thought is on MySpace at myspace.com/sketchcomedy.
Wag: What else will Puppet Tom be doing on his vlog? Any other guests we can anticipate?
P-Tom: I think JA will definately be back once he heals from his beating. Puppet Tom's vlog will be about his different adventures in running MySpace and answering user questions.
Wag: Is Real Tom your friend?
P-Tom: No. We're having some fun with MySpace and the community in general. We're having a lot of fun putting these together. The goal is to be fun and stay positive.
Wag: And to get laid.
P-Tom: LOL
That wouldn't hurt.
but just in case we have a character for that too: http://myspace.com/drmarx
Wag: How much has News Corp. offered to buy you out?
P-Tom: LOL. We're going to wait and see what Facebook goes for.
Wag: So again, while we're not plugging you, that's http://myspace.com/puppet_tom and http://myspace.com/sketchcomedy.
P-Tom: Exactly.