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This week brings a new website called Rellatio, a pseudo-sexy public relations company claiming to be founded by former porn stars (not to be confused with Amanda Chapel's Strumpette, which is just a pseudo-sexy public relations blog where the writer poses like a porn star).

Rellatio's pitch stays in character: "If you want to explode like a cannon into the mind of your audience, and be dripping from their ears for days, then come to us." Right. As deranged as some flacks may be, no one looking to make a profit would write copy that absurd. Thus we have our doubts as to Rellatio's legitmacy. It's not that we don't believe porn stars can succeed in PR (of course they can — public relations is all about sucking off the right people), it's just that all the emails we've received about Rellatio seem to be forwarded from the same original:

From: Lexi Lehman
To: [xxx]
Subject: Re: Hey
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 12:56:37 -0400

You should work for these people!

Lehman, as you may recall, is the 17-year-old Grubman PR intern who mans the velvet-rope teen night Crush. And suddenly this innuendo-laced PR crap makes sense: Perhaps Lehman's been working on her senior project?

UPDATE: We're not actually certain that this email came from Lehman herself — in fact, it probably didn't. But if it did? Lizzie Grubman would be so proud.

Related: Gawker's Coverage of Lexi Lehman