U.S. Mag Biz Sucks So Much Felix Dennis Wants Out, Too

So just to recap the last 24 hours in magland: AMI shuttered three titles and moved one back to Florida while replacing its EIC, Hachette closed ELLEgirl as a print pub, and we got word that Time Inc. is prepping for yet another round of layoffs. Could there be yet another nail in the coffin of the magazine business this week? Of course there could. Keith Kelly reports today that even one of the few mag execs who seems to be having fun — one with new(ish) products and happy balance sheets — is trying to get out of the game:
Felix Dennis, the maverick British publisher behind bawdy lad-mag Maxim, is putting his Dennis Publishing U.S. unit on the block.
Can't imagine why he'd want out.
Felix Dennis Throws in Towel Here, Mags May Sell for $250M [NYP]
'ELLEgirl' Shuts Print Edition, Moves to Web Only [Ad Age]
Breaking: 'Celebrity Living," Now Really Dead
Breaking: AMI Replaces 'Enquirer' Editor, Sends Paper Back to Florida
Time Inc. to Keep on Cutting