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I think they call these "virals" or something. CMP Media has been running a lo-fi news show (called "The News Show") since last August, covering business news (which is really tech news when you back up a bit). This week they started a feature, "Who am I?" To spare you five minutes of cheaply produced video, here's a transcript:

I'm a blues man, born and bred in Chicago, the city of big shoulders. I went to college in Chi-town but never graduated.

My software baby was conceived by someone else, but ushered into the marketplace by me. I worked for the CIA, where a prophetic voice spoke to me and gave my vision a name.

I pushed harder and harder, until I almost pushed my company off a cliff. I was bailed out by the Japanese, which may explain why I have a Japanese house in America and an American house in Japan.

I'm a software soldier, a sailor and aviator. I take no quarter and ask for none. I'm a big spender, a never-ender, a market of one. I'm the bull of the software industry. Who am I?

Right, that should be easy for this crowd. (Granted, he didn't technically work for the CIA.)

For the price of a free signup, The News Show will enter correct guesses in a contest for a free iPod or Thinkpad.

Who am I? [The News Show]