Trade Round-Up: Paul Walker, Biggest Star In The World

· After three weeks at the top of the box office in Hong Kong, Eight Below star Paul Walker's march towards international superstardom seems more inevitable than ever. [Variety]
· In other news involving huge international stars, John Stamos joins ER (apparently still on TV!) with a full-time gig as "a flirtatious paramedic who also is a medical student and a Gulf War veteran." Yeah, that sounds about right. [THR]
· New Line plans an interactive "Thrill Ride" edition of the Final Destination 3 DVD—think Choose Your Own Adventure, but instead of being captured by a suspicious old miner, you suffer a ridiculous and gruesome death at the hands of Fate. [Variety]
· Deal or No Deal continues to mystify us with its success, drawing 17.5 million viewers last night. Fox is rumored to be in the planning stages of its obligatory hybrid knockoff, Celebrities Screaming At Briefcases Full of Money. (We're going to keep making that "screaming at briefcases" joke until America comes to its senses and banishes Howie Mandel to QVC.) [THR]
· When two things you don't care about collide: French strikes affect the MIP international TV market meetings. [Variety]