Sumner Redstone Gives Brad Grey A Vote of Confidence

Just as Paramount emperor Brad Grey has been forced to defend embattled lieutenant Gail Berman from rumors that her job was in jeopardy following the studio's acquisition of DreamWorks, skeletal Viacom executive presence Sumner Redstone risked shattering several metacarpals by publicly clapping Grey on the shoulder and offering a "That's my boy!" vote of confidence amidst widespread speculation that Grey may be replaced by new hire Stacey Snider should the studio chief be further ensnared in the Anthony Pellicano Wiretapping Trial of the Century. Redstone assures the LAT:
"I have the utmost faith in the integrity of Brad Grey," Redstone said, acknowledging that in making such a blanket endorsement, "I'm going out on a limb here. We have investigated this to the fullest. But can anybody be certain of anything but life and death?"
If Redstone sounds like he's hedging his bets a little with his philosophical qualifier on life and death, it's only because the seemingly immortal executive is rumored to stay vital by draining the blood of his studio executives and a little controversy keeps his supply pumping as fast as he can consume it. Once Grey's tapped out, he'll discard the desiccated husk and move on to the next meal, indictiments or no indictments.