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American Idol fan favorite and heir apparent to the adult contemporary metal throne Chris Daughtry has been accused of rocking a bird to death, according to

The 'Idol' contestants are staying in living quarters in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles. We're told a neighbor called FOX to complain about Chris Daughtry's loud music. The woman alleges that Chris' music is so loud and stressful that it killed her bird, Sweet Pea.

Chris Daughtry feels bad about the dead bird. His fellow contestants — not so much. We're told a few of them joked that Chris should wear a t-shirt that says "R.I.P. Sweat (sic) Pea."

While many a snicker is being had at the ill-fated bird's expense, we can't help but feel for the little feathered thing. We see ourselves in Sweet Pea—perhaps he was a tiny, winged indie music snob, who would sooner squeeze his fragile bird skull through the narrow wire bars of his gilded cage than subject himself to another Scott Stapp refrain from Creed lover Daughtry's music collection.