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This week cranky Simon Dumenco is, for a change, happy. Why? Because Cargo died. It's not that he's pleased people are losing their jobs; it's that he's pleased to use it as an excuse to dance on James Truman's grave. Truman was editorial director of Conde Nast for a bit over a decade, and Dumenco takes this chance to recap his career:

• His early success was as editor of Details, which propelled him to the editorial director job, where he...

• Hired Bonnie Fuller to "dumb down" Glamour then fired her, and...

• Hired Mark Golin from Maxim to edit Details, replacing "Michael Caruso, who had replaced Joe Dolce, who had replaced John Leland," and which ultimately resulted in the mag being taken away from Truman and moved to Fairchild, where it finally became a success, and...

• Launched and then closed Sports for Women, and...

• Dumbed down and then closed Mademoiselle, and...

• Bought Wired but not, for some reason,, which is owned by Lycos, and...

• Launched the magalog era with Lucky and then Cargo, which just closed, and Domino, which is rumored to be next in line for the guillotine, and...

• Most famously, oversaw the decoration of 4 Times Square, including the Frank Gehry-designed cafeteria.

Put it that way, as Dumenco does, and he's right that it's a fairly ignominious track record. Then again, do you have a fancy cafeteria to show for your career, Simon? Yeah, didn't think so.

With 'Cargo' Closed, the Truman Era Comes to an End [Ad Age]