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Last week we noted that despites bosses' assurances to the contrary, most of the newly soon-to-be unemployed Cargo staffers weren't having much luck finding other jobs within Conde Nast. Today, however, WWD carries the heartwarming story of one Cargo vet who has indeed obtained other employment within Si's house of magazine-y fun:

[W]ord on Friday was at least one associate editor had definitely already secured another position at the company: Steven J. Florio, son of former Cond Nast chief executive officer Steve Florio, evidently has switched career paths and taken a corporate job. "He's been going to business school part-time recently, and he took a job with [Cond Nast] consumer marketing, if I'm not mistaken," said one colleague, who was packing up his desk and had few prospects for immediate work.

Imagine that.

'Cargo' Still Dead; Unemployment Looms Over Dark Horizon
The Children of the Ruling Class: Fortunate Slaves
Children of the Elite Masquerade as Working Stiffs