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The best part of inevitable blockbuster X:3 may turn out to be the publicity blitz that precedes the movie's release, if for no other reason than various press obligations have granted us unprecedented access to the endlessly fasincating mind of fauxteur Brett Ratner. In the last couple of weeks alone, we've been allowed to vicariously experience a day of unparalleled starfucking, gained some insight into Ratner's casting methodology, and in this recent, fan-submitted Q & A, learned a little bit about the director's hopes and dreams:

Question 16: What is your next project? And do you have a "dream project", a film that you are dying to do?

A: My next project is going to be "Rush Hour 3". My dream project was to direct a superhero movie, and now that I've done that, it would be to do a musical.

Before you dab up the blood trickling out of your ear resulting from thinking about what Money Talks: The Musical might sound like, remember that Ratner got his start in music videos. So at the very least, his eventual foray into the genre should be a more self-assured and accomplished kind of aesthetic disaster than the typical Ratner film.