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The butler didn't do it! In response to the dossier of dalliances from the olden days at Ask Jeeves, a tipster claiming to also be from the manservant-firing search company says none of those reported sexual escapades really went on:

ex-jeeves says: you've got some of your facts wrong in this Ask Jeeves post. i worked there for 3.5 years from 1999-2003 and a lot of what you've got here is hardly credible. there was a decent amount of frivolity but this stuff is just stupid.

"on the VP's bed" - how does two people have sex in someone else's bed? is your "informant" implying that the VP was involved? this was a and there were a lot of VPs. were they leaving work and breaking into a house to sleep in the bed? that doesn't even make sense.

One assumes there were company parties. Though it sounds like this tipster wasn't the sort who got invited.

Earlier: Guest story: Sexual Jeeviants [Valleywag]