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Apple Computer is defending its logo against Apple Corps, the recording label owned by the Beatles. The latter claims that the Apple logo in the iTunes store dilutes Apple Corps' trademark. There's law involved, and serious IP issues and blah blah blah. But here are the good parts:

¬ The judge's name: Justice Edward Mann. How the UK Independent refers to him: Mr. Justice Mann.
¬ Mr. Justice Mann checked before the case that owning an iPod wouldn't disqualify him from presiding.
¬ Apple Computer lawyer Anthony Grabiner: "Even a moron in a hurry" couldn't mistake iTunes for a recording company.
¬ An Apple Corps lawyer chose Chic's "Le Freak" to demonstrate iTunes.

The fierce battle continues. The only hope for peace: if both Apple Computer and Apple Corps agree that Yoko was a mistake.

Apple vs Apple as the Beatles take on computer giant [Independent]
Apple: iTunes doesn't violate agreement [BusinessWeek]