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Today's LAT reports that game of contractual chicken between jilted Universal, who still had another 10 months or so left on former studio head Stacey Snider's deal, and Paramount, who recently hired her away to run newly acquired DreamWorks, may be ending today:

Universal Pictures is on the verge of granting former studio chief Stacey Snider an early release from her contract, enabling her to start work as chief executive of the DreamWorks unit of Paramount Pictures.

Paramount confirmed Wednesday that Snider would start her new job April 10.

Snider is expected to be released from her Universal contract by today, according to executives involved in the matter.

So it seems that Paramount emperor Brad Grey took two-of-three rounds in his arm-wrestling match with Universal's Ron Meyer (Grey is notorious for illegally bending his wrist and distracting his opponents underneath the table with a wandering, stockinged foot) to spring Snider from her contract, anxious to get her started at DreamWorks and begin the inevitable speculation that she'll soon be taking his job.