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• Yesterday we passed along — rather skeptically, we'd point out — a random tip that Radar 3.0 would be "a weekly tabloid-style mag and is going to compete with Star, Us Weekly, In Touch, etc." Someone who'd be likely to know now assures us that the plan is to make the mag monthly. (But, then, hasn't that always been the plan?)

• Maer may be planning to rekindle his venture, but, as a frustrated former subscriber discovered, the mag's distributors have no such faith. From the email forwarded to us, sent in reply to a where's-my-money query:

MJ, LLC, the parent company of Radar Magazine is seeking an alternate publication to fulfill the remainder of your subscription. If a suitable substitution is not found, we will, at that time, refund the money owed to you for the un-served portion of your subscription.

And maybe he'll even get that refund in time to subscribe to 3.0.