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A tipster writes to tell us that despite what newly deposed Cargo staffers may have been told, finding a new job within the halls of Condé might not be as easy as one would hope. Though we can't exactly confirm much of this, let's just say that we don't find the following completely implausible:

Looks like Conde's ability to help their peeps find jobs on the inside is little more than lip service ...

The staffers were told there were "70 jobs" available. This supposedly came from Tom Wallace. However, when they went in for their HR interviews, the editors were pretty much told there was nothing available. HR suggested that they post their resumes online at the new Conde Careers site. (Huh? Why?) And, they were told to mark that they weren't an employee so that they would be allowed to post a resume.

"Hardly a preferential interview," the person said. "People were almost universally disappointed with the way we were treated by HR."

Like we said, no clue if this is true. (If you can confirm or deny, do let us know.) But think about it — when aren't you disappointed by HR? Make that the extra-specially frigid Condé HR, and you can only imagine how cold and lonely things must be getting.

Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of Cargo