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Though Rasputin-turned-teddy-bear Santino Rice had a nice run and his eerily accurate impersonations were the most memorable thing in the show's second season, this year's breakout Project Runway personality was clearly Tim Gunn, Heidi Klum's whip-cracking lieutenant. A reader tips us that the network's corporate powers-that-be seem to have taken note of Gunn's budding, basic cable stardom:

I took an NBC Universal survey yesterday that asked me all sorts of questions about Tim and whether I would go shopping with him/be roommates with him/be best friends with him, etc. It also asked me what kind of show I would watch Tim in: makeover, reality/behind-the-scenes, or advice.

While a bunch of Gunn-centric survey questions certainly don't constitute a concrete development plan, they do seem to indicate that Bravo has recognized the sidekick's...talent...and would like to spin him off into...something. Whether that project takes the form of a makeover show, a travelogue in which Gunn and contestant "Where's Andrae?" Gonazalo visit every Red Lobster in the continental United States, or even a fish-out-of-water sitcom (Make It Work, coming to desperate parent network NBC in midseason 2007!) is anyone's guess.
