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Pamela Anderson has proven herself to be an indefatigable crusader on behalf of those beautiful and defenseless creatures many of us enjoy eating and wearing, animals. She made a homecoming of sorts with her most recent campaign, sending an impassioned plea to her homeland's leader, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, to call off the highly controversial seal hunt currently underway on Canada's East Coast. From her letter:

I'm writing you today not so much about the horrific cruelty involved in the hunt, but about the impact of the government's indifference to such violence on Canada's image around the world. As a proud Canadian who frequently travels abroad, I am alarmed that people are starting to see Canada as a country more beholden to a pack of greedy hunters and to the seal-skin "fashion" whims of a few countries than to the massive international outcry against the hunt. One of the biggest problems facing the U.S. government is appearing aloof about its own hostile behaviour; I'd hate to see that happen north of the border too.

Once again, Anderson manages to bust stereotypes: Not only does she put the lie to the cliche of the boring Canadian, but she also proves that a large-breasted blonde is fully capable of understanding and signing the articulate and persuasive statements prepared by PETA on her behalf.