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Flickr's Stewart Butterfield and Caterina Fake, king and queen of the digital photo, take Polaroids. Caterina: "What is this primitive paper-making box you handed me?"

About this Newsweek cover story — can we all share a moment of frustration? Newsweek really doesn't get the new web. The mag loses major points for:

¬ Saying "wisdom of the crowds" with a straight face
¬ Wikipedia will "take on Britannica" — Do you actually know anyone who looks things up in their stack of leatherbounds?
¬ Perpetuating the myth that MySpace's Tom is everyone's friend
¬ Perpetuating the myth that Dane Cook is funny
¬ Showing a dozen people with great ideas, inspiring thousands with stupid ideas

The New Wisdom of the Web [Newsweek]
Earlier: "Putting the 'We' in Web": Newsweek gets it!