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Bad news for all you yupster, yindie, altera-yuppie "grups" — spread along the F train from 14th street to 7th Avenue — who can't understand why a great show like Arrested Development can't find a way to stay on the air. Here's news from Variety last night:

Hurwitz takes a hike
'Arrested' creator bails as showrunner

"Arrested Development" creator Mitch Hurwitz says he will not be continuing with the series, throwing a major — likely fatal — monkey wrench into attempts to keep the Emmy-winning laffer alive for a fourth season.

Series producers 20th Century Fox TV and Imagine Television had agreed on a deal to move "Arrested," previously on Fox, to Showtime — assuming Hurwitz was willing to come back. In the end, however, a mix of creative and financial concerns has prompted Hurwitz to move on.

And the worst part is, it's not Murdoch's fault. It's Hurwitz's. Asshole.

Hurwitz Takes a Hike [Variety]
Related: Up With Grups [NYM]