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OK, now it's really, really, over. Well, sort of. Mostly? Variety reports that Arrested Development creator Mitch Hurwitz won't come back to revive the series on Showtime, finally probably most likely jamming the proverbial fork in AD's resurrection hopes. Says Hurwitz:

"The fans have been so ardent in their devotion and in return ... I've given everything I can to the show in order to try to live up to their expectations," Hurwitz told Daily Variety on Monday in a telephone interview from Gotham. "I finally reached a point where I felt I couldn't continue to deliver that on a weekly basis."

Nonetheless, Hurwitz said he put off making a final decision on his involvement so Showtime and 20th could talk about a possible deal.

"Of course, if there was enough money in it, I would have happily abandoned the fans' need for quality. But as it turns out, there wasn't," he said.

Does it sound like someone's leaving the door open just a crack, giving desperate fans the faintest glimmer of hope that if they start a website (preferably with a cute name, like or and raise enough money, Hurwitz can be bought? Keep the dream alive!