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The purity of the Hottest Hollywood Assistants site has already been compromised, as several jokesters not content to waste hours rating actual future industry power-players unwillingly (we hope) put up for superficial scrutiny have created fake entries for Beaker (at least he's an assistant, though everyone knows it's for tyrannical, eyeless madman Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, not Kermit), Sloth from The Goonies (more enforcer than assistant), and David Hasselhoff (an employee of Knight Industries, not Devon Miles' coffee boy). We're a little disappointed that Lloyd, Ari Gold's Entourage abuse-magnet and the de facto face of an anonymous class, hasn't yet made an appearance, though we can't be sure he's not in there somewhere—we've only clicked through the rotation of photos a thousand or so times today.