Geeking out: Rubyred Labs Cereal Bar

Web-and-mobile design firm Rubyred Labs held its regular Cereal Bar breakfast this morning. This week's cereal social (held every Monday at Rubyred's office in SF's Soma district) was documented by camera-not-for-hire Scott Beale.
Also present was SF Chronicle writer Dan Fost, doing a piece on Rubyred Labs. Will the article be long, insightful, and feature large photos of the beautiful people at Rubyred? Of course. The only question is which section the piece will dominate: Business and Tech or the Datebook?

Neighbor Adaptive Path's Amanda Willoughby: "It's the only startup with a dress code and a two-drink minimum."

Co-founder Jonathan Grubb: "Damn it, we always run out of Fruity Pebbles."
After the jump, Rubyred dumps the whole "web design" deal for a catering gig.
Photos: Rubyred Labs' Cerealbar Photos [Laughing Squid]

Co-founder Thor Muller: "We're switching our business model to 'classic diner.'"

Thor: "More accurately, we're switching to a 'party venue' model."

Final co-founder Amy Muller: "Actually, we're all going to model. We're shooting for the next American Apparel catalog."

As hard as everyone tries to party, a meeting breaks out.