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On Friday, someone alerted us to the tracking board chatter accompanying the launch of, a Hot Or Not-esque online beauty pageant for the industry's desk slaves. At the time there weren't any assistants to rank, but now it seems that the site is well-stocked with up-and-coming talent ready for your numerical evaluation, a pool that we assume has been contributed almost solely by prankster co-workers or petty enemies bent on payback for bad phone etiquette. It seems that assistants all over town are already punishing their fellow call-rollers with artificially deflated scores; can it be possible that the average rating of underlings in the world's most image-obsessed business is a sad 3.5 out of 10? Put aside your professional jealousies for a moment and stop penalizing that pretty boy at the agency across the street just because you suspect he's blowing his married boss.