Randy Quaid's Rejected Spirit Awards Script

After hearing about Randy Quaid's lawsuit against Brokeback Mountain's producers claiming that the actor's love of independent cinema was taken advantage of to lower his quote and cheat him out of millions, Bat Boy: The Musical co-author Brian Flemming dropped us a note to point out that Quaid once loved indie films so much he wouldn't even joke about the low-budget world at the 1999 Independent Spirit Awards. Says Flemming:
In 1999 Keythe Farley and I wrote a sketch for Randy Quaid and Vicki Lewis that had Quaid saying things like:
"I don't know, I guess I'm just not that excited about independent film anymore, because I've finally figured out what "independent" means: It means you don't make any money. I just did this film for Miramax, which means I'm working for The Walt Disney Company, but because it's the Oscar wing of the Walt Disney Company I'm supposed to work for scale. This independent thing—it's just a scam. I know a scam when I smell one. I mean, if it walks like Donald Duck and it quacks like Donald Duck, it's probably Harvey Weinstein asking you to take a cut in pay. You think Harvey's taking a cut in pay?"
Randy Quaid refused to perform the sketch. That happened to us a lot when we wrote the Spirit Awards.
The rest of the eerily prescient, rejected script is here. We'd love to think that these words were still haunting Quaid (even subconsciously) when he took a look at Brokeback's grosses and decided he was screwed.