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As we reported late last night, WWD's dynamic duo of Jeff Bercovici and Sara James today breaks the news that Radar might be preparing for yet another relaunch. California supermarket mogul Ron Burkle is reportedly the lead investor, and there's a rumor that Rev. Jesse Jackson's family will be putting money in, too. (No use letting the money you shake down from big companies in need of crisis-induced "diversity training" lie fallow in a savings account.) Indeed, we've even heard talk that Maer and a Jackson son — not the congressman, one presumes — are taking some meetings around Manhattan, prepping for a new launch. And now that we think about it, Burkle makes perfect sense as an investor, too. He's a major Democratic donor, so he's used to throwing millions of dollars at noble and valiant — but inevitably doomed — causes. Radar '06!

Bride of Radar/Memo Pad [WWD]
Earlier: BREAKING: 'WWD' to Report 'Radar' Close to Funding, Yet Again