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Industry watchers critical of Paramount emperor Brad Grey's early moves and who feared that the new chief had no plan beyond "1. Buy another studio. 2. Fire people. 3. Repeat as necessary." will be pleasantly surprised by the "Blueprint for Grey's Paramount" released today via the studio's internal newsletter, which lists six "collective goals" for his fledgling empire. Finally, his own manifesto! But before we get to The Blueprint, we'd like to point out what Grey feels is the truly crucial part of working in this crazy business:

Grey also stressed honesty, integrity and dignity core business values that should guide everything we do. And, last but not least, he said that as we work towards these goals, it's important that we have fun.

You heard the man—if you survived the bloody purge following the DreamWorks acquisition, you've earned the right to have some fun. Go nuts and buy yourself a couple of extra War of the Worlds DVDs at the Studio Store.

The full Blueprint is after the jump:

Blueprint for Grey's Paramount

BRAD GREY celebrates his first anniversary as Chairman & CEO of Paramount Pictures this month. Under his leadership, we have witnessed an extraordinary amount of change, not only at the studio, but also at our parent company. As part of a smaller and more nimble new Viacom, Paramount now has the opportunity to play a larger role and Grey believes that "we are poised to do extraordinary things." Anticipation is already building for our new slate of films, which hits theaters beginning with Mission: Impossible III in May, followed by Over the Hedge from DreamWorks Animation and Nacho Libre in June.

The company's senior executives recently gathered for a first-of-its-kind integrated management meeting in the Paramount Theater, following the close of the DreamWorks deal. Grey thought it was important to introduce the key members of his team and to discuss the vision for our future.

In creating a new Paramount, Grey said we must remember the studio's rich history, building on the impressive work of our predecessors in order to transform the company into a vibrant, successful, 21st-century business. Any great building project needs a solid blueprint, so Grey clearly laid out our collective goals:

1. We are here to produce great films, with sound economics, that generate profits for the studio.

2. We're going to become a top rate global company.

3. We're going to reinvent our specialty unit and make it a revenue driver.

4. We will continue to build a state-of-the-art home entertainment operation and discover new platforms for the consumer, growing with technological advances in our industry, no longer behind them.

5. We will build on the strength of the Viacom brands as partners in both motion picture production and promotion.

6. We will transform the Paramount lot, both technically and culturally, into the preeminent creative environment in show business.

Grey also stressed honesty, integrity and dignity core business values that should guide everything we do. And, last but not least, he said that as we work towards these goals, it's important that we have fun.