Geeking out: Mix '06 Tuesday
Microsoft's Vegas conference, Mix 06, keeps rocking, and still no photos of Bill Gates gettin' funky on the dance floor. In the meantime, blogger Paul Mooney shares his Flickr'd pics from yesterday:

Micro-persuader Robert Scoble: "You want to do lunch with Bill too? Call me, babe."

The horror of a pre-pre-pre-alpha screenshot of Windows Live makes a user's brain escape through their head.
After the jump, a dance move only Ballmer could love.

Microsoft, capitalizing on the MSN exec-firing spectacle, brings people onstage just to fire them, as a bloodthirsty crowd cheers and votes with their thumbs.

Everyone avoids eye contact after Linus Torvalds stands and gives his usual "I have a question, but first a comment" speech.

Microsoft parties are a well-known ground zero for hot dance crazes. This spring, watch for kids doing the "aggressive squid."