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We'd thought that the much-ballyhooed Assistant Beer Pong tournament was a time for the call-rolling caste at rival studios, agencies, and production companies to finally put aside their differences and get communally shitfaced in the spirit of harmless frat-house-style competition. But as an aggrieved Lionsgate employee informed us, not everyone was welcome at the party:

So, we weren't invited to "Crash" your little beer pong tournament this year. You assumed maybe we were too busy at home counting our Oscars? We challenge any team from the event to a beer pong tournament. Poor Oscar losers. Bring it.

For shame. While none of us approve of the evil that Lionsgate unleashed on the world at the Oscars, we hardly think that it's fair that the sins of the bosses should be visited upon the heads of the assistants. Will their challenge be accepted (hopefully by the Universal group for a Best Picture grudge match), or will Lionsgate spend a year bitterly polishing their little, golden bald men while waiting for their revenge? Developing...