Geeking out: Mix '06

Mix '06 is hot and, like all tech conferences in Vegas, debaucherous. Thanks to Flickr for making what happens in Vegas not stay in Vegas.

Steve Ballmer's PA: "Well, a third of my time is spent arranging his schedule, but it's mostly picking up pieces of chair." [Source]

"So, Mr. Arrington, I've been demoing my product for like 40 seconds. Are you gonna blog it yet, or what?" [Source]
After the jump, Bill Gates finds a special friend.

Technorati's Tantek Celik and tech consultant Scott Isaacs get micro.

In the middle of his speech, Bill Gates begins talking to an imaginary creature he calls "Harvey." [Source]

MS evangelist Robert Hess (not to be confused with Apple evangelist Robert Hess) does his "look sober for the camera" trick with software developer Tim Scarfe. [Source]

Silicon Valley isn't going Hollywood — it's going Memphis. [Source]