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Our first, brief report on Saturday night's assistant beer pong tourney has finally trickled in:

While J.C. Spink's handlers kept him away from Saturday night's festivities, the tournament at El Guapo's was definitely as rowdy as previous years. Watched tiny CAA girls in matching red tanks get creamed by UTA (CAA's team was definitely cuter at least); about ten different couples in various stages of fornication; "We're gonna Brokeback your ass" shirt on Universal kids and Beerfest/V for Vendetta masks on WB-ers; and a rogue beer pong table set up for those not lucky enough to make their team's roster. Not sure about fights or who won—was way too drunk via previously stated rogue table to notice.

No fisticuffs with a member of the manager class? That probably already disqualifies the proceedings from being as rowdy as last year's Spink-sparring throwdown. We've been told that a team from Management 360 took the title held by Endeavor, but feel free to send in your own trash-talking recaps about which team tried to blow balls out of their cups long after they'd stopped spinning.

UPDATE: After the jump, two updates (including one clarifying the actual message of the Universal team's shirts described above) from Beirutting attendees:

i just want to clarify what the Universal shirts said for the tournament on sat, b/c they were so f*king phenomenal. It had the Uni logo on the front and said, "Brokeback Beer Pong 2006" and then on the back it had the Brokeback one-sheet/poster and said underneath, "We're gonna fuck you in the ass". suh-weet!

Stay classy, assistants! And another update:

As the self-starter who set up the recreational table at Saturday's beer-pong blast, thought I'd add my two cents (whatever that is adjusted for inflation). The place was nuts. Far too many couples were making out where the guy weighed less than the girl. At one point, some guy demanded my balls - the pong variety - and threatened to beat me up if I didn't relent (he later apologized). We had a steady stream of challengers all night long, even though our table was jury-rigged between two dinner tables and we kept losing the balls between attractive assistant's legs. I wasn't sure anyone even made it to the final table, but after taking four games in a row, I (and the rest of the crowd) were ready for some Canter's. How do you spend $80 in beer when it's $10 a pitcher?