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Steve Wozniak shut down Wheels of Zeus, his GPS company that had shifted into the RFID field. Know those spimes, the super-searchable objects that Bruce Sterling brought up in his SXSW speech (and has been pushing for years)? Well, that's what wOz was supposed to give us.

Not that Woz is done running his own companies; the exiled Apple co-founder just signed onto a new startup (so new it's not online), Acquicor Technology. This one's a holding company looking to grab startups dealing in "IP convergence." Long-standing buzzword, check. Founding rulership full of ex-Apple C-levelers, check. Nasty accusations of poor disclosure, check. Have fun with this one, Woz, and maybe change the world this time.

Wozniak shuts down Wheels of Zeus [CNET]
Ex-Apple execs get a 'blank check' [CNET]
Huh? Woz shuts down Wheels of Zeus [SiliconBeat]