Running Faucet runs another vlog episode, and it's golden. Faucet Studio co-founders Paul Thrasher and Wang Phan run the ultimate Naked Conversation (metaphorically, people!) and chat about who does what at the company, what's next for their product (a teacher-parent communication tool for elementary schools), and how good those cookies are.


Faucet Studio is looking for programmers. Looks like a fun group to work with, no? plug!
An intro to the accountant, Quen-zi (Quincy?) They'll be at the PHP meetup on Monday. Someone get a high-res photo of these guys, please!
"Because we have no income, our taxes are very easy to do."
"Two months and we had a web application ready to go...And these peanut-butter cookies are not so bad."

Earlier: Faucet Studio: cool business, painful vlog [Valleywag]