Marriage To Cruise Haunts Kidman Once Again

Today's Page Six reports that Nicole Kidman has been questioned by the FBI in connection with the Anthony Pellicano Wiretapping Trial of the Century, as Pellicano had seemingly recorded the actress talking to Tom Cruise during the couple's divorce proceedings:
The recording was evidently made in 2001 after Kidman and Cruise announced they were getting a divorce. Cruise was represented by top L.A. matrimonial lawyer Dennis Wasser, who is known to have used Pellicano on other cases. Kidman, who was repped by New York lawyer Bill Beslow, hired private eye Richie Di Sabatino.
Di Sabatino was surprised to hear that Kidman had somehow been secretly recorded. "We swept her phones and put on an encryption device, so she couldn't be wire-tapped," the shamus told Page Six. "We tried to keep one step ahead."
The tape the feds played for Kidman "was probably from Tom's phone," said Di Sabatino. "Pellicano used to tap his own clients."
We've already seen one big-time lawyer indicted over messy, divorce-related wiretaps, but Kidman should be chilled for another reason: Even after almost five years of divorce, she's still discovering fresh ways in which being married to Tom Cruise is creepy.