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Monday Washington Mutual bought you the Daily News. Yesterday Fresh Direct bought you the Post. Will the madness ever end? Oh, no; it won't. Here are today's reports:

They are handing out free New York Times in front of the Astor Place 6 station. They come wrapped with a Starbucks coffee sleeve that also gets you a free cup of coffee.

Free WSJs this morning at Wall and Broadway. I didn't see who the sponsor was, if there was one.

As I was on my way to work this morning, I was gently accosted by two women across from the Astor Place Uptown 6 station. They were handing out free issues of the New York Times.

Copies of the complete edition of today's NYTimes was being handed out outside the 28th St. Lex subway station, where the Metro folks usually hand out their rag. My paper was rolled into a Starbucks cup holder-thingy.

This morning in Union Square Starbucks pimps were hawking free Old Gray Ladies wrapped up in those cardboard sleeves. I automatically said "No thanks," thinking they wanted me to Help Save the Children, then kicked myself.

Are we the only people in New York who've paid for our own paper every day this week? We'd better see a credit on our delivery bill at the end of the month, Pinch. Otherwise our feelings will really be hurt.

Does Your Bank Buy You the Morning Paper?
Anything 'News' Can Do 'Post' Can Do Better