Party with imeem at SXSW

One SXSW party invite stands out today — social IM site imeem (or, properly, "imeem!" but that sounds like a Broadway show) is ending SXSW Interactive SXSW Film (what the hell, imeem?) and kicking off the Austin fest's music leg with a big Tuesday-night party. And they booked a little band named Sleater-Kinney.
How is imeem paying for these things? This isn't the first big bash that imeem's thrown; they held a big party at Macworld and regularly throw events in San Francisco.
But whoever's going to these isn't calling imeem back the morning after; word is, the company's running out of cash fast, with no one stepping up to buy. Why would they? It's more fun to watch the IM startups fight it out — like a cage match full of skinny featherweights.
After the jump, imeem's invitation. Get a few imeem-sponsored drinks in yourself and ask them who's paying the bills.