This image was lost some time after publication. is close to closing a deal with three major studios that will allow for iTunes-like downloads of feature length movies and TV programs: Inc. is in advanced talks with several major Hollywood studios about creating a service that allows consumers to download and copy movies and television programs, sources familiar with the discussions said on Friday. [...]

Several publications reported that Amazon was close to completing a deal with Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios and Warner Bros, specifically, but spokesmen at the three studios either declined to comment or were unavailable for comment.

One source said a deal was not imminent in the next two or three days, but added the studios were enthusiastic and an agreement, if one is concluded, might come soon.

There's a palpable giddiness on both sides of the pipeline as the final t's are crossed and i's dotted on the deal: Studios are eagerly anticipating a promising new revenue stream (if for no other reason than to have new profits to withhold from the unions), while consumers can hardly wait to sign up for the service and begin the unbelievably convenient three-week process of downloading all 3 hours and 7 minutes of Universal's King Kong.