Wouldn't you fund XuQa?

The social network market may be crowded as hell, and XuQa may be just another teen-hungry wannabe orgy, but how could anyone turn down a business plan like this (run after they got a round of user funding):
With this dough, here's the game plan: Go party REEALLLY hard for like one weekend. Wake up with a hang over sooo heavy that we can't see the Error 808 on XuQa. Put our faces in the toilet and throw everything we've got in there.
Business blog alarm:clock doesn't think XuQa has a chance at VC funding. But seriously, this is the perfect teen-and-college hangout site — because it's totally useless, what with all these toys and meaningless messages members can send. Cause if there's one thing everyone learned from the mobile phone craze, it's that teens dig time-wasters.